Today is Thanksgiving Day. We have so much to be thankful for in our lives and not just today, but everyday.
As we sat down around the table today Jacob started to get a little teary eyed. I asked him what was wrong with him and he said, “I’m just not that excited about the holidays.” After we talked for a few minutes he finally said that he missed Gangan.
Let me back up a little…
When Dan went to Bosnia in 2001, I had barely just met Gangan and Grandaddy, but knowing Dan was leaving soon, Gangan invited me to live with them while he was gone. I accepted and she took me to church, taught me to cook and tried to help me learn to sew, but always...she was my friend. My own pappaw passed away in 1994 and I never knew my other grandparents so I cherished the opportunity to live with Gangan and Grandaddy and have them as my own grandparents. Every single time we went anywhere and I would drive Granddaddy would say, “Elizabeth, is our insurance paid up?” hah...I can hear it as clear as day. They were both so very good to me and never offered judgement of any kind.
Time moved on and when Dan came home in 2002, he and I moved to Memphis as he had been reassigned there with the military. Jacob was born in Memphis in 2005 and we moved back to Nashville just a couple months after he was born. The plan was to have Dan stay with Gangan and Grandaddy while Jacob and I stayed in Memphis waiting for our house to sell. However, it sold much faster than we anticipated. So, of course, we all three moved into Gangan and Grandaddy’s upstairs bonus room. The three of us lived in a 300 sq.ft. space and were perfectly happy being there with them. I have always said I can live anywhere as long as my family is together. We lived with them for a few months and that began a wonderful love story of a different kind for us and for Jacob.
Being there daily Jacob was able to get to know Gangan and Grandaddy and loved them both like nothing else. Gangan would feed him all the time and he would sit with her as long as she would hold him. He was such an easy baby. As he got older we got him a little jumpy thing to play in and he usually either wanted in Gangan’s lap or in his jumpy toy. The toy sat right beside Grandaddy’s chair. He would jump up and down in that thing and scream his head off while looking at Grandaddy sleeping. The instant Grandaddy opened his eyes and looked at Jacob he would stop screaming and laugh. What a stinker!! He would reach his hand out for Grandaddy to hold while he was beside him. Jacob was so young, but loved them both so very much.
We lived there a few months before finding an apartment and then after only a couple months bought a house and moved Gangan in with us. Grandaddy had fallen and was in a rehab facility. He eventually came to live with us too and was home for two weeks before he passed away. It was the most peaceful passing for him. He was at home with Gangan asleep in a bed next to him. I say that when my time comes I hope to be as lucky as him; to die at home in your sleep next to the person you love most in the world is a blessing.
Granddaddy passed away in November of 2005 and Jacob and Gangan have been inseparable ever since. I really think Jacob is what helped her keep going once he died. She was so sad after having been married for well over 50 years and now she lost the love of her life. Jacob kept her going and kept her busy. Oh, how he loves his Gangan.
He has never known life without Gangan. She would do anything for Jacob and give him whatever he wanted. She, at 89 years old, even trecked across the country to move with us to San Francisco leaving everything she knew behind. While she would do anything for him, what he always wanted most was her time and she gave it abundantly. He has come to know what a valuable relationship that is to have with your grandparent. Jacob has other grandparents, but he doesn’t see them very much and rarely talks to them so he isn’t as close to them as he is Gangan. He loves them all very much, but the distance between all of us keeps him from getting close to them. Of course, it made it easier for him to be close to Gangan because she lived with us for so long. Over 9 years!
Circumstances change as life goes on and on Labor Day weekend of this year Gangan went to live in Arizona with her daughter. Jacob was so sad that she left, but in the last few weeks seemed to be doing better about adjusting to life without Gangan. However, today he has had a hard time because he is missing her. I forget that it was merely three months ago that she left. For us, time gets busy and with everything going on, I guess I had forgotten that he is still hurting having her gone.
God’s timing is absolutely perfect! It never fails that he is right on time in any situation. Just after she left for Arizona and we sort of got back to normal, I began these treatments and there is just simply no way I could care for her at this point. It’s better for her to be in Arizona, but we miss her...I miss her. Much more than I realized I would, I miss her too.
Caring for someone takes a toll on you and sometimes it gets to be more than you can take, but you still love them. After all, if you didn't you wouldn't do it. As they get older their mind starts to go and the person you knew slowly becomes a stranger. Every now and then though, I would get a glimpse of the woman I once friend. I miss having coffee with her and talking about everything and sometimes nothing at all. I miss her.
Now that Gangan has gone to Arizona Jacob can Skype with her or talk to her on the phone anytime he wants, but it is very hard for him to do that. Every single time it upsets him to talk with her because he misses her so much. If you know anything about Asperger’s at all then you know that emotions are very hard for him to deal with and he gets overwhelmed with how he feels. He had rather just not have to feel that way so he doesn't want to call her, but he still misses her all the same. I would be lying to say that the feeling isn’t much the same for me and his dad. Dan misses his grandmother and Jacob misses his sidekick and that makes it hard and sometimes you just don’t want to do what is hard.
It breaks my heart that he misses her, but fills me with joy at the same time knowing that he has experienced what it means to have a grandmother love and cherish him like she has done. It has helped shape who he is and I couldn’t be more proud of the young man he is growing up to become.
Knowing Gangan changes who you are...she makes you better. That is just what she does.