So, where have I been, why did I leave and what is happening
now that I a coming back?
Growth is an amazing thing that happens with time. Sometimes we can feel it happening and gently
we bend with the ebb and flow of the current as it brings change. Other times it hits so hard and fast that we
completely break open because the mold we live is only so malleable at any given
time. My shell broke and I've had to seek shelter from complete exposure. I didn't want to stifle the growth, but I couldn't process it without taking cover.
Yoga Teacher Training changed me in a way that I can’t put into words. That’s kind of a big deal for someone who
likes to label themselves a “writer.” Something inside me woke up in a way that
wouldn’t let me rest until the process came full circle. It was a breaking open
kind of growth and I spent so much time trying to put the pieces back together
that I didn’t realize the shell that came apart at the seams was no longer
meant for me.
While it’s been quite the experience, I can now look back
with gratitude having finally found a stable footing to reflect. I think reflection is key whether you live
with mental illness or you have a perfectly functioning brain. Personally, I wouldn’t know what “normal” function
is like, but I can tell you as someone who lives with Bipolar that reflection
is often the difference in understanding what is reality and what is perceived. It’s a daily question of what is happening
and if that is real or if my mind has construed information in a way that is
wasn’t intended. Because I am up several days in a row and sleep is constantly
interrupted by horrific dreams, my brain gets tired and things sometimes don’t fully
make sense.
Believe it or not, my yoga practice (second to my spiritual
walk) has been the anchor through all the craziness. That is the beautiful thing about a
practice. You don’t need to keep up with
anyone or do anything for the sake of doing it.
Just show up, let it unfold and it will take you places you never knew
you wanted to go. In doing that, I have
found where my heart lives as a teacher and that is something every teacher journeys
to find out, I think anyway.
The amazing thing about this whole process is realizing my
connection to energy work. Sound and
chant drew me in from the beginning and as I began working with a mentor I
started to realize the connection those things have to energy flow in the body.
This made for a natural transition into becoming a Reiki practitioner and finding
my authenticity as a teacher.
It’s fun to break up every now and then and teach a hot flow
or vinyasa with some fun music and let the body work, but I don’t teach from a
place of fun…I teach from a place in my heart. So, I am shifting my focus and will
continue in studio as a Restorative teacher.
Every Thursday, beginning May 10th, I will teach the 4:30 pm Restorative
Yoga infused with Reiki and sound
I’m also offering Reiki/Sound sessions by appointment only.
Those can be scheduled by emailing me directly at or you can schedule via
text at (479) 899-3037. Distant Reiki is also available with a free consult
before scheduling the session.
You can always email or text with any questions you may have
or if you just want to know more about the practice in general. Energy work is
heart work and if I can help, I am happy to do so without obligation or commitment to schedule anything.