I saw a post on a friend’s Facebook timeline the other day that reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:
If ever there was someone who embraces that way of thinking it would be Jacob. His autism has allowed him this wonderful treasure of seeing the world in a way that I couldn’t possibly understand and I both love and envy that gift. He sees it in such a way as to unlock what lies in it without doing it for others to see. However, he lives in such a way that the world can’t help but take notice.
You will remember that I wrote, not too long ago, about an incident that happened while we were at church. As I said then, it had been a long time since he had fully broken down in such a way. That does happen on occasion, but for the most part what I observe is nothing less than remarkable. If I could just give him a glimpse of how we see him maybe I can help him know just how special he really is...not just to us, but to the world.
Dear Jacob,
You look around and sometimes wonder why you don’t like what the other kids like, you don’t eat what the other kids eat, you don’t want to play as the other kids are playing. You see things differently than they do and you want to understand why. I will tell you why son...they are absolutely right, you are different. Not only are you different my love, you are EXTRAORDINARY!!!!
I watch you read and take on the characters in a book transforming yourself to who it is you want to become. You see the world in pictures and through your imagination in real time even though events took place so many years ago. You can dance through the room living each word of a song as you move your body in whatever way feels good to you. You can sit at the keyboard and play a song and it isn’t merely your fingers moving, but your whole body is playing in unison with the keys. You can fight in a battle of war because you love history and you see it through your own eyes and transport yourself back in time and unlock the secret of taking yourself fully where you want to go. It isn’t merely play, it is living in a way that only you can understand. It’s as real to you as the very nose on your face and you take us with you when you go. So, no son, you are not like anyone else, you are different. You are EXTRAORDINARY!!
Learning comes easy to you, but relaying information isn’t as forgiving when you speak. Your body freezes up under pressure and you try so hard to be like everyone else. Never conform to that!! You are so much more than just trying to fit in. The letter grades you receive could never measure the asset you are to this crazy world. We need you this way, the world needs you this way. We need your innocence, your uniqueness and your autism that make up a person that can see the world in such a way as to unlock the magic that lives inside of it. You, son, are EXTRAORDINARY.
You will never be class president, you will never be captain of the football team and you may never speak in front of a crowd again. Who cares?!?! You dance in the rain, you spread your wings and are not afraid to be who you are and love who you can become. The world needs more of you, more of your quick wit, more of your charm, more of your eyes in how you see things from a different perspective.
At five years old you looked inside a huge fishtank and said you wanted to be a fish and when I asked you why you told me it was so you can play hide and seek with all the people looking in. Never stop playing hide and seek with the world, never stop spinning in circles to feel what it’s like, run down the sidewalk with your head thrown back and your eyes closed, jump on the trampoline and just let yourself free fall to the mat. Never believe that you are anything less than EXTRAORDINARY!!!! You, my son... the world needs more of you!!
So you go take on the world and be fearless in who you are because you my love are EXTRAORDINARY!!!
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