Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Creating Space...

Hello again!!!

It's been a while so I will just jump right back in where I am today.

Space to feel, space to breath, space for change, space to grow and even space for fear

My intention this morning was solely to create “Space.” Since beginning a regular yoga practice, I have been running toward the difficult asanas because they look really good, and that proves I am a yogi, right?  Don’t get me wrong, I have also learned so much about how it balances the mind and allows you to settle and take inventory of where you are mentally.  That’s very important to me because it is an integral part of my treatment for Bipolar.  I need this so that I can come to stillness and know what is real and what is perceived in the world of my own mental illness.

However, since really focusing on my practice in anticipation for my upcoming YTT, I have learned so much more about what yoga really is and that what you see is only one dimension of the practice.  

Today’s intention was focused solely on creating space…
Space to feel
Space to breath
Space for change
Space to grow

When we create space, we also create room for fear.  I keep trying to change the subject when fear creeps in, but today I just let it stay for a while.  Fear of change, fear of not knowing what lies ahead, fear of feeling things that are not always good. That’s a little tricky when you are Bipolar because I am unpredictable sometimes and if everything else is the same, I function better and my world runs a little smoother.    

I realized that when I shut out the fear, I am shutting out all the things I want to create space for as well.  So, today, I felt the fear and even created space for it on the mat.  I felt it, let it sink in, breathed through it and let it go.  When I finished, I feel like I have created a little more space for all those things that I want so desperately to make room for because it is only when we do that, will we grow.  
